Shape your future

The project “SHAPE YOUR FUTURE” is one of the main 20 projects included in the program Constanta – Youth Capital of Romania (CCTR), developed to foster social inclusion and promote the empowerment of young people, mainly the marginalised ones.

The consortium formed by organizations from 5 participating countries (Romania, Spain, Portugal, Poland and Ireland) identified the need of a transnational project to create an environment, instruments to foster interaction between private/public sectors and youth, to ensure a qualitative learning space for youth and to improve, adapt working methods of youth workers to the current situation COVID-19 – develop online working methodologies.

The project will raise awareness on the importance of social inclusion of vulnerable young people and the development of regional communities by creating international instruments and actions in all 5 countries that will promote it. By creating different tools (apps, platform, booklet) the project will enable young people to learn about the existent European programs/ local opportunities from partner regions and to have a unique cultural experience.

The main aim of the project is to foster quality and multidimensional improvements in youth work, especially to reach and empower marginalized young people, thus supporting their integration into labor market, the equal right to education and the chances for social inclusion/education.

Youth Vision Experts

Youth Vision is a non-governmental association with the mission to improve vulnerable people’s lives by offering educational opportunities and socio-professional integration. Youth Association Vision was born under the project “0 Discrimination, 100% Participation!” – project funded by the Youth in Action Program in 2013. The Association aims at identifying, debating, analyzing and solving specific problems of the local community through the development of special strategies and programs, training and consolidation associative and professional skills of citizens who want to interact with society civil society in Romania, as well as improving cooperation between NGOs / central and local public authorities local /business, and other organizations.

Daniela pricopenescu
Project Manager


Andreea Madalina PARCALABESCU
Youth Worker

Andreea-Madalina PARCALABESCU

Alina Ionelia GAJU
Communication Officer

Alina GAJU

Luciana HURDUC
Administrative Officer

Luciana HURDUC

ZAMFIR Adelina
IOs Manager

Adelina Maria ZAMFIR

Young Educators Experts

EAYE – European Association of Young Educators – it’s a non-governmental and non-profit European Organization, based in Lisbon, Portugal. The main goal is to promote youngsters’ participation in subjects such as political and civic input in local communities, national policy, European political subjects and International Affairs, in order to build active citizens in the political and social arena. Young Educators aims to encourage civic participation in youngster generations by developing good practices in dialogue between young people, creating active and dedicate citizenship, motivating the sense of initiative and participation in civil society in general.

Ana Catarina Caldeira
PhD researcher in Communication Sciences

Ana Catarina Caldeira

Ana Paula Silva
Certified teachers’ trainer

Ana Paula Silva

Felix Soares
Deputy-Secretary General of Young Educators

Félix Soares

Joao Santos
Coordinator of technological projects

João Santos

Biderbost Boscan & Rochin Experts

Biderbost, Boscan & Rochin, SL (BB&R) is an international consulting company with an outstanding track record in corporate social responsibility in the field of youth. Their staff consists of ten young professionals from various cultures and disciplines. BB&R have carried out projects for different international organizations (European Union, EU-LAC Foundation, InterAmerican Development Bank, United Nation Development Programme, World Bank, International Organization for Migration), NGOs (Social Ecumenical Forum) and government agencies (Spain, Brazil, Norway, Canada). BB&R seeks to add value by incorporating tools and strategies that equip young people with skills for successful integration into the labor market and active civic life.

Founding Partner of Biderbost, Boscan & Rochin (BB&R) and Professor at the University of Salamanca

Dr. Guillermo Boscán

Founding Partner of Biderbost, Boscan & Rochin (BB&R) and Professor at the Pontifical University Comillas

Dr. Pablo Biderbost

Founding Partner of Biderbost, Boscan & Rochin (BB&R) and Professor at Autonomous University of Baja California

Ms Nalia Rochin

Projects Coordinator of Biderbost, Boscan & Rochin (BB&R)

Mr Alonso Escamilla

M Elisa
Associate Consultant of Biderbost, Boscan & Rochin (BB&R)

Ms María Elisa Núñez

Hanta Educational Services

Hanta Associates LTD Ireland is a sub-unit of the main provider in UK and provides work placements, bespoke training and organize Erasmus+ funded projects. The objectives of Hanta are: Improve quality of life due to the implementation of community projects for the local community; Support increased operational and financial performance of the autonomous bodies and companies providing local public services; Develop initiatives and public-private partnerships; Growth of education in the local community by implementing educational projects and offering job / training placements to youngsters; Organizing seminars, workshops, consulting and market research training’s, workshops and exhibitions.

Zespol Szkol